Ew, time is ticking like a time bomb ):
I can't fulfill my Arise & Build pledge this month. I need like 50 bucks more. Affff.
Christmas & Birthday is coming, I need to get a haircut, I wanna dye my hair, gotta help organize so much stuff (well not really a lot but it's something I haven't done before), and of course there's inevitable problems.
Gosh, I finally did my quiet time yesterday too. I hope everything turns out well today (:
Gotta run for church!
Okay, I know I haven't been updating. Mmmm nothing much has been going on. Just gaming gaming and more gaming. Idk what else to do. I can't spend money ):
Yeah soo last night, I drank coffee at 1am. I don't know why I did that but it's ridiculously stupid. I was really hyper and couldn't sleep at all. Sooo I laid down on my bed and listened to music. After browsing through 796 songs, I was like that's it I have to sleep. Since it seemed pretty long, I thought it was only like 2am, since time passes really slowly when you're bored. I laid down, tossed and turned a little more, and then I told myself okay that's it I gotta check the time! Sooo I took a peek and it was 4.05am -.- I was like 'OMG.' Cause I was still really really awake. Thus, I forced myself to remain in one position, close my eyes and just daze off. Not sure when I actually accomplished this but I woke up at 9.25. Gosh.
Okay I'm hungry.
I can see the fire, spreading of Asia.
Exams, adios. Freedom, here I come!
Amath paper was gooood. I managed to attempt all of the questions except two. Chinese, no comments. I went in there and asked the teacher if I could just go home now and take CLB next year. She was like just sit for the paper -.- And halfway through she told everyone that once we're done we can go. So I just rushed through my paper and went home an hour early LOL.
K, reached expo around 5.10+ to start queueing for Asia Conference. This was the most annoying part. It's worth it anyway!
So like we had to queue up for seats right? And all the typical kiasu singaporeans would always rush to be infront. So even if we reached early, those kiasu singaporeans will run to the next queueing spot, or even push here and there just to get closer to the front. Well same goes for the people at the back, who would just squeeze and push to the front. Queued for about an hour in the mass mob, sweating, sticky, and not being able to move a lot.
And so tells of an incident where this lady, who kept swinging her cardigan or whatever, which kept hitting me in my face. Grr so annoyed.
When we managed to get in, people still started pushing. There was even this group of girls who made a 'train' using their arms. So they cut from my left to my right, and all 6 or 7 of them were blocking the whole damn pathway. But yeah, when we settled down there was this Braniest Family competition. The second family were totally awesome. Seriously they got all the questions correct, which was amazing. Questions including General Knowledge, Bible verses which you had to recite, but only one person saying one word at a time. Punctuations were included lol. And of course bible knowledge too. Sooo they won a total of $2000 :D Grats.
Okay! Then the session started! Sang familiar songs from True Worshippers, songs from Don Moen (did I get his name right). What was really exciting was when Carola came on and started singing. Just then, Dr Ulf Ekman came on with such fire everyone was so high in spirits! It was his last night here, so I guessed he wanted to make this night spectacular, and he did! The presence of God was so strong I actually teared. I don't usually do this, not this way. Waaaah, Asia Conference was a bomb.
Then at the end, Dr Ulf laid hands on all the pastors, but all the people also rushed forward to get laid hands. I only heard him calling out to the pastors to come in front but I don't know why the people went infront too. Well yeah, that took a really long time lol. By the time we were done it's already 11. Everyone rushed out of the hall to go home. When we reached the train stations there was only a train service to Tanah Merah and it'll terminate there ): Everyone started squeezing like crazy, to get through the
gate. Thankfully, they opened the other gates so it was more spread out lol. I'm suprised my carriage didn't have a lot of people. Anyway took a bus back to clementi and by the time I reached it was already 1am T_T. Mum picked me up sent Ben Tan home and went to buy my Mega McSpicy! Honestly, it sucks. The chicken is so dry, and they should really put another layer of sauce between the two patties.
Okay I'm tired of blogging lol, 3 more days of Asia Conference. Can't tank the queueing ):
Tagged by Yi Chong (Sorry I only noticed that post yesterday lol) :
1 ) The last person who tagged you is : Yi Chong.
2 ) Your relationship with him / her is : Classmates.
3 ) Your impressions on him / her is : Very Vulgar. (Omg alliteration).
4 ) The most memorable thing he / she had done for you : Ermmm... ironically I can't remember LOL.
5 ) The most memorable thing he / she said to you : ****
6 ) if he / she becomes your lover you will : Keep my distance LOL.
7 ) If he / she becomes your lover, a thing he / she has to improve on will be : Self-control!
8 ) if he / she becomes your enemy , the reason will be : Ehh, clash of vulgarities?
9 ) the most desired thing you wanna do for him / her now is : Complete this quiz.
10 ) your overall impression on him / her is : Vulgar.
11 ) how you think people around you feel about you : Cool? Idk.
12 ) the character you love about yourself is : Cheerful? :D Well somtimes.
13 ) on the contrary , the character you hate about yourself is: Childish ):
14 ) the most ideal person you wanna be is : Jesus.
15 ) pass this quiz to 6 people that you wish to know how they feel about you (All of them don't have blogs LOLOL.) :
1. Ben Tan
2. Jia Jun
3. Ruey Jer
4. Max
5. Gerald
6. Seb Chu
16 ) who is no.6 having a relationship with? No one.
17 ) what is no.2 studying about? Erm, A levels? :D
18 ) when was the last time you had a chat with no.3? Last friday ):
19 ) Does no.1 have any siblings ? A sister.
20 ) will you woo no.3? Uhhh, well he's one of my best friends haha.
21 ) whats the surname of no.5? Oh dude I forgot I'm so sorry D:
22 ) whats the hobby of no.4? CS?
23 ) where is no.2 studying at? He has no school :p
24 ) talk something casually about no.1? Haha! We talk about almost anything.
25 ) what colour does no.4 like? Orange!
26 ) are no.1 and 5 best friends? Oh, no.
27 ) how did you get to know no.2? Secondary 3.06 Hosea.
28 ) does no.1 have any pets? Haha nope.
WoW time!
Our time has come.
Physics paper is fine. Kinematics is just so cunning I keep making that careless mistake ): After realising that I did, I started panicking sooo badly. So paranoid ): But yesss, what's done is done. Amath & Chinese is on thursday.
Have been doing so much trigo identities my brain starts to hurt. I don't know, but I just can't master it. Too hard ):
Asia Conference starts tomorrow! But I won't be able to go since my paper is in the morning/afternoon :/ I'll be down on thursday onwards though.
You're in my heart,
You're in my soul
You are my heaven,
You're my home
You're my best friend,
You're my true love
You are my treasure,
You're my God.
Can't wait for
Asia Conference.
Pictures, Breakthroughs, Miracles, A whole lot of fun, Fool for Christ.See you at Asia Conference :)
Too much for tonight.
Omg yes I'm on the comp again but it's just to try to fix ipod okay.
Omg so my ipod can't be restored.
Omg I didn't buy anything for Asia Conference.
Omg I haven't fulfilled my Arise & Build pledge.
Omg exams tomorrow T_T.
Omg I felt like I was talking to myself during quiet time.
Let's skip the opening lines shall we? It's getting late and I plan on studying early in the morning.
Anyway yesss so went over the Ruey Jer's place in the afternoon to play basketball. Was sooo energyless T_T After all I only ate 6 oreo biscuits. Headed for cell group after that with Ben Tan. Ate Old Chang Kee, and walked around in Novena Square/Velocity, finding out that there are many things which are pretty attractive. Heh, so yeah cell group was good I'd say. Maybe it's cause I haven't been to cg for 2 weeks, but idk I think it's just cause I longed for this presence so much. Feeling really empowered, and many many personal experiences occured to me imo.
Also celebrated Yu Jie's birthday today with a cake! The name of the cake was Chocolate Heaven, and it was heavenly. Awesomely nice okay. Yupp and so have fun in Taiwan Ruey Jer! I'm afraid I can't send you off at the airport ):
Okay announcements:
- Strict hiatus. Not going to touch the computer until Thursday when my re-exams are over. I really plan on accomplishing this, so nobody can ever make me waste time on the computer for these few days! Well unless it's important, I shall not touch it. Not even for a break.
- Asia Conference. Really really big event, I would urge all my readers to come for it. 19-23rd november. Just be available on any of these days and I can accompany you to one of the sessions, prolly in the night. For more information, here is a link to your convenience:
http://www.asiaconference.org.sg/index.php and just inform me if you want to come okay? Well, just trying my luck (:
Yup that's about it. Feels like I've forgotten something but oh well, what can I about it if I've already forgotten, and unable to remember? ):
Shopping for Asia Conference tomorrow! Omgosh I NEED some good buys. Gonna wake up early and start mugging too. Have a nice day :)
If you started yesterday, you're already too late.
Hello, fourth day of fasting. Feels terrible. My perseverance level is so low, I feel so tempted to just quit fasting, and start eating like a pig. You can say conc camp made me fat ): I eat like 4 meals a day, and it's not little meals but the normal meals. Even diarrhea for a week couldn't help me lose any weight.
Been working in my mum's shop for allowance. Yes, I don't get pocket money right now. I have to work in order to get it, and I've yet to buy clothes for Asia Conference, and not forgetting fulfill my Arise & Build pledge. Helped her do the basic stuff for the dogs which include bathing, blow drying, brushing, cleaning their ears, and alternatively helping her with hyperactive and rebellious dogs.
I'd rather stay home and catch up on sleep, study and play WoW, but I have to get those stuff. I have to fulfill my Arise & Build pledge!! Arghh.
Anyway so at the shop today, I did my job pretty well, and I got a 100% bonus as a reward :D I mean I had to brush a poodle, such that their fur will not be curly else it'll be pretty hard to cut their fur. In fact, I had to brush two. It takes so much time I spent like 40 minutes on this really big and fat poodle. Gaaah, that's 50 dollars in savings, now I need 40 more -.-
So there is one problem with my fasting. I'm not praying. Yes, as straightforward as it is. I can't discipline myself enough to pray. I only pray when (saying grace is not counted): Before I study, before I break fast, before I sleep. I really really need to get back on the right path. Like what Pastor said, dieting is just like fasting, without the spiritual aspect of it. Right now it seems like I'm on a diet instead of a fast. This is so crude ):
Oh well, cell group tomorrow (finally!) - prayer meeting. Looking forward to that :D
Omg someone buy the WoW expansion for me T_T. I want a death knight aaahhhh.
In season, out reason.
I just realised my blog posts have been flooded with words words and words ): I shall do a quiz to amplify it.
Warning: Long quiz.
How many keys on your large collection of keyrings?
Two :p
What curse word do you use the most?
****,$#@^,!#^*% and not forgetting $^#$*#$.
Do you own an iPod?
Yesss, thanks to Jia Jun :D
What time is your alarm clock set for?
6.00am, 6.30am, 7.00am, 8.00am and 10.00am.
How many suitcases do you own?
Do you wear flip–flops even when it's cold outside?
It's hardly ever cold outside ):
Where do you buy your groceries from?
NTUC Fairprice?
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
What was the last movie you watched?
Sex and The City.
Do any of your friends have children?
Why of course.
If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
Tithe, then go on a shopping spreee!
Has anyone ever called you lazy?
It's a norm.
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Never need to lol.
What CD is currently in your CD player?
Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Not really ):
When was the last time someone hit on you?
Oh wow, I'm so bad at hints.
What did you have for dinner?
Porridge, some vegetable and minced meat.
Do you wear hoodies often?
Nah, not anymore.
Can you whistle?
Have you ever participated in a protest?
Who dares to right now in Singapore.
Who was the last person to call you?
Jia Zheng lol.
What is your favourite ride at an amusement park?
Only been to one and that was like 4 years old, so I can't remember anything ):
Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
What area code are you in right now?
Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Yes and I still do.
How big is your local mall?
Local? The local-est would be Jurong Point.
How many siblings do you have?
Are you shy around the opposite sex?
Ha, not really anymore.
What is your biggest regret?
Not worth remembering.
When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
On internet, lol.
What movie do you know every line to?
Don't watch movies anymore ):
Do you own any band t–shirts?
Haha, no.
When was your last plane ride?
Wow I don't remember. Bali OEP last year?
How many chairs are at your dining room table?
Do you read for fun?
No lol.
Can you speak any languages other than English?
Do you do your own dishes?
Hahaha, tough luck.
What colour is your bedroom painted?
Have you ever cried in public?
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Desktop, pfft ):
Which do you make, wishes or plans?
They're on equilibrium.
Are you always trying to learn new things?
Not really, I'm lazy.
Do you shower on a daily basis?
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
No, no money ):
Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?
Well, yeah.
Can you skip rocks?
Have you ever been to Jamaica?
No ):
What to snack on at the movie theatres?
Popcorn/Nachos? What else is there?!!
Who was your favourite teacher?
Mr Lim Eng Kong/Ms Salinah!
Have you ever dated someone out of your race?
Uhh, no lol.
What is the weather like?
Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
No, not really.
Do you have an online journal?
My blog is one :)
What was your favourite class in high school?
Secondary school - None.
Do you enjoy travelling via airplanes?
If only I could ):
What personality trait is a must–have in your preferred gender?
Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?
HM. Yes.
When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Somewhere at the beginning of this year.
What is your favourite alcoholic drink?
Aye, idk.
Does your closest Starbucks have a drive–thru?
Heh, nope.
Do you like your living arrangement?
No. I strongly dislike it.
What is your mother's hometown?
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I can function, but not for long.
Do you eat breakfast daily?
Not really lol.
What was the last thing to scare you?
The movie Mirrors.
Are your days full and fast–paced?
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?
Yeah wth ):
What is your favourite fruit?
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Pretty much LOL.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
E.T go hooome.
Have you ever been to Six Flags?
Aww I haven't even been to One ):
Who was the last person to piss you off?
Do you believe that God has a gender?
God is too magnificent.
What was the last thing you ate?
Oreos! <3>
Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
Eh, same. I've lived my whole school life with boys sooo yeah lol.
What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
Never did.
How did your parents pick your name?
I was supposed to be named Ryan. But my dad couldn't pronounce it properly ): Oh well, Ben has brought me much destiny too (:
Do you like mustard?
What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
Like now? Dude this quiz is so long T_T
Would you ever sky dive?
If I could.
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
Back, then side, and finally tummy.
What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself?
Hoho, none sorry.
Have you ever bid for something on ebay?
What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant?
So what.
Do you enjoy giving hugs?
Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
Yes, for my age :D
Do you own a digital camera?
Used to!
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?
Ah, cool lol.
What celebrities have you been compared to?
Who is your favourite Star Wars character
Draeneis remind me of starwars lol. Would be Darth Maul.
Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?
Not really.
What books, if any, have made you cry?
P.S. I love you.
Do you think you're attractive?
Heh, what do you think.
What are you allergic to?
Many many things.
Are you a jealous person?
What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
Sex? That word comes out of peoples' mouth like saliva.
Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been?
Oh wow, don't ask me LOL.
Should be good enough to make an uber long post :D

Unglam moments, hehe.
Fasting today kinda failed, lol.
Woke up at like 1+? Didn't have breakfast, so I was terribly hungry. Well I did manage to survive on 2 pieces of biscuit and that's it. Plan to wake up at 7+ and go for breakfast at 8 tomorrow morning :)
Pretty much studied and played my way through today, gonna work for my mum since I spent way too much money over the weekends. Gaah, I need money before Asia Conference ):
ALSO, looking for a job. Like a good job, just for awhile. Anyone has any good recommendations?
Shine, my fear.
Went for dental, changed to baby blue :) Kinda new to me, but yeah I like it still. Went over to Ben Tan's place to gym, swim and get a tan! Gyming completed, swimming well sort of, tanning was a total failure for me. There was cloudy sun, but I still got sunburned. Sucks so bad ):
Headed to town to check out what's new and happening and whatever there is to see (:
First we headed to Far East Plaza, and felt so out of place :/ Sooo went to Paragon. No idea what we did there but it got boring. Since we wanted to find cheap clothes, we tried Heeren! But as usual we didn't see anything we fancied, and headed to Taka! Was sooo crowded, such a turn off >:
Anyway I have no idea what we did, but by the time we were looking for a place to rest, it was getting late. Went to the Esprit and Zara at wheelock to start experimenting with clothes since it was empty, and we took a few pics (:
Don't have the pics right now, but will sure get them soon lol.Thinking of buying a checkered shirt for Asia Conference. If you're wondering about those grey shoes I've longed for in Zara, well the thoughts are further postponed. Well you see, Asia Conference is from the 19th-23rd November, and since I'm most likely going for all the days, I need shirts to wear! I'll need 5 pairs of shirts, and yeah time to buy shirts T_T Iunno, I might still buy the shoes, since it's much cheaper than the shirts, but I'll see. I won't be wearing the shoes to Asia Conference anyway, since I don't have a grey belt YET. That's why I said see how first right (:? If I can get a grey belt then yeaaah.
Reached starbucks just beside Forum, and we sat there talking from like 9-11.40? Man, it was so awesome. I've not spoken to anyone like this, well not in a loooong time. We talked about almost anything, even christmas! They were playing christmas carols too, so the ambience was really really calm and relaxing. Oh, I can imagine christmas with friends (: Which reminds me, a scarf for this christmas is on my to-buy list too! I'll need to start working, bleh. Prolly gonna try with my mum first, if not I might just work with you, Ben. Idk, I want a good lobang. Hehe.
K sooo, we walked to my place from Clementi, which took us like around an hour I assume? Was sooo tired, and I only slept at like 3 plus. Had to wake up at 6 for morning prayer meeting, and I was pretty late cause I thought bus 30 reaches Boon Lay MRT in 10-20 minutes but it took waaaay longer than that.
Prayer meeting wasn't that good to me, couldn't even feel anything at all. I guess conc camp made me "stoneskined" ): Went to JP for breakfast, and then followed Aaron to get coffee for the leaders and pastor, and a cake for the november babies :) So tired please, I kept falling asleep U_U
Service imo was good at first part, until I got really tired. Then, nothing went into my head and all I was trying to accomplish is to stay awake. Well I did that, but still so tired T_T.
Yeah and, I'm still tired. Amazingly, the guest speaker today said that he will get us to love mondays as much as we love sundays. Suprisingly, I am soo thankful that tomorrow is monday, cause I can sleep in. Wow, I love mondays.
Okaaaaay so tired byee.
Run away.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY conc camp is over omg. Like finally, I don't have to wake up at 6.30am until re-exams which start on 17th november. Wooo :)
Okay, so after going through sec 3 conc camp twice, I should make a survival guide book. First MUST HAVE in the book would be friends. Conc camp wouldn't be great without friends, therefore I would like to give special thanks to all my friends, and new friends whom I have studied/played sports with :)
Ahh, so after "graduating from conc camp" as Mr Lim Eng Kong puts it, I feel that this year's conc camp is much more productive. Not cause the things have changed, but I actually paid attention. During amath, Mrs Lee Chia Hui even wrote "excellent" on my 'comment' section on the monitoring form! Like waaaa, after going through so many scoldings I finally get a praise from a teacher.
Soooo yes, I'm looking forward to:
1. Trying to study! I still need help in trigo identities :/
2. More time spent in ministry.
3. Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
K, ilu all bb.
P.S. Ben Tan! Time to catch up! Gotta go shopping soon before Asia conference T_T.
I'm filled to be emptied again.
Second last day (:
So here's how it went.
AmathLol, remainder and factor theorem, pretty easy :D Didn't have much trouble with it, so yay.
PhysicsLenses, eaaaasyyyyy. Though I don't know how to solve the hard question in the final year paper ):
Self studyI completed the given amath worksheet, and yess I did ask the teacher for help in 2 questions, but i attempted and got correct for the rest! Time well spent :)
ExerciseLol, played polo with like 9 other people. Idk, I believe I played rough. It just gets to me - too much studying = no balance of violence. Hahaha, so yeah they said I had like 1000 health and 200 damage per hit etc etc. just cause my arms are long so no one can pretty much touch me except Joel :p My team still lost anyway ): But it's okay, another chance tomorrow hehe.
Night lessonsZomg, here's the hard part. Mr Keith Tan bombarded us with another worksheet on remainder factor theorem, and it's like friggin' hard. Though I have to say, I participated in the class a lot :D I even solved this part of a question when nobody could, or well close enough. Heh, I feel so accomplished :D
So right now my brain is really really dead, I have to sleep ): BUT before I do that, I need to rant.
This particular teacher. I respect him a lot, but that doesn't mean he can swing his authority everywhere. Wait, he even does it to those who don't respect him. K so like I was late today right? And I didn't go to school yesterday cause I was recovering from a fever right? And I didn't have a MC cause I was well enough not to go to a doctor right? Make sense? Yeah, so he was scolding me, saying things like "You better change your attitude.", "Watch your character." etc. There were a few more phrases but I couldn't be bothered listening, cause it's like I don't even make any noise in class, and he's just so strict cause I'm retained? I mean wth ):
Okay I have to sleeeeeeeeeep.
How great is our God.
In the midst of a fever attack. Recovering super fast though. It's almost gone in less than 24 hours. But I promise I really had a fever ):
During study time I was having a bad headache. Asked my mum if I could take a green form (mc kinda thing) and go home, she said no. Just take a panadol and rest. I asked my teacher if I could get a green form and go home, he said go to the nurse and take a panadol. I went to the nurse and it was closed -.-
Oh well, played basketball with the teachers, 4 on 4. I went to teachers' side since I had a feverrr. We supposedly 'trashed' the other team cause... I'd say it was unbalanced lol. Anyway, felt soo terrible during night classes. And it was so dark, yet I had to go to the toilet myself. So poor thing k ):
Anyway sooo, yeah I'm taking a day's off. Hopefully I'll be good enough to go to school tomorrow :)
Raaaar need earrings.
P.S. I lost weight :):):):)
Is a broken virgin still a virgin?
Lethargic. Exhausted. Grouchy. Messy. Lazy. Tired.
I guess that pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. Didn't have a good sleep, and I woke up pretty early like 8 plus? And my mum starting nagging when she woke up, and I believe the people who know me would also know that the worst time of the day for me, would be in the morning. I could get pissed at the slightest things. Oh well, night owls club :D
Didn't go for service today, and in doing so I just realised that this is the first sunday service I have missed in a few months. Prolly like more than half a year or so? Lol, anyway a more elaborated post on yesterday's service. I went there, and there was this sense of security. No, not because there are many security guards there but it felt like going back home. Everything's at peace and I have no room for any sense of awkwardness whatsoever.
Anyway yeah, gotta go study. :D
Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.
Freedom! x) The last day of conc camp for the week passed really quickly! Thank God <3>_> pfft.
Yaa then self study was such a waste of time. The people who failed chemistry got divided from those who didn't. The chemistry bunch had to sit in another spot and do this chem worksheet, with the help of 2 volunteers from NUS and the teacher. Apparently, I've dropped chem. But still I was sitting with the chemistry people, attempting the worksheet, and even completing it lol. The NUS dudes came to 'help' me in my question, and I was kinda happy that I managed to solve it and stuff. But then I kept asking myself "Why on earth am I doing chemistryyy?!?!!" Bleh, so the whole self-study period was very slack, and by 4pm everyone was walking around doing their own stuff lol.
Basketball was so-so, rigged teams. The people started calling me china china china china. Arrr whatever. I made friends with a chinaman too! His name is Yao Yi ahaha. His chinese isn't that good, suprisingly. I don't know if he was acting, but he actually used english words to sub in the chinese words which he didn't know how to say LOL. Oh well, he's a nice guy :D
Prep time was freeee perioooood so I had self study. K this time I really really studied physics and it was so cold x_x. Time passes really quickly when you're engrossed in your work lol. Anywho, halloween is over, so is conc camp for the week. Ahhh, I love the weekends :D
Church service later! Should I go for sunday's too? :/
Gaaah, pledged $200 more than what I initially thought of pledging. I guess God gave me sum, finally. Oh well, everything's cool :D Just that the grey shoe I wanted to buy is something I can only dream of right now >_> I'm back to $10 in savings aaaa.